Welcome to the
Download Area!
Our National Fishing Month downloads are FREE tools to make your angling experience even better! With educational guide and poster as well as useful log sheet and certificate to remember the month!.
We look forward to helping you with your journey.
Don’t forget to Share your NFM for a chance to win!
National Fishing Month Official Guide
Designed to help you start your journey into angling and discover the joys and ways of going fishing. This booklet will give you insight into how angling can help you to spend quality time with friends and family in nature and unwind. Whether you want to take in the view, reduce stress levels or get a little competitive with your pals.
NFM Fishing Certificate
A great way to celebrate your achievements when you take part during National Fishing Month. Going on your first fishing trip or attending an organised fishing event are the first steps on your fishing journey and we want to help you remember those good times.
Log Sheet
A great way to record your first fishing trip and fish captures. It will help you to build up a picture of what made your trip a success or a challenge. The learning curve of angling is one of the reasons we love it so much. Improving your angling knowledge and learning from past fishing trips will help you progress along your angling journey.
Identification Poster
Our species identification poster will help you learn more about the types of fish you will encounter in both freshwater and saltwater. You will be able to identify what you have caught and whether it’s a potential record breaker. Knowing what you might catch will also help you with tackle and bait choices for your trip.
National Fishing Month is brought to you by Angling Trades Association and supported by Angling Trust, Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust and many other angling based organisations.

Access hundreds of fishing events across the UK
There are hundreds of angling events across many parts of the country. Thanks to the organisation of our trusted supporters – find out what’s happening near you and when…